Thanksgiving at the Mission

Each year on the day before Thanksgiving, the Modesto Gospel Mission serves a traditional Thanksgiving meal to over 1,000 men, women, and children
Each year on the day before Thanksgiving, the Modesto Gospel Mission serves a traditional Thanksgiving meal to over 1,000 men, women, and children–and provides each guest with free winter wear such as coats, sweaters, hats, gloves, and scarves.
November 26, 2025
2:00 PM - 4:30 PM
1400 Yosemite Blvd. Modesto, CA
Modesto Gospel Mission
Donate During This Event

Many of these individuals who come to the Mission for help during this event live in the nearby airport district, one of Modesto’s most impoverished areas.

donate during this event

Thanksgiving At The Mission takes place on Wednesday, November 26, 2025.

The Mission can always use volunteers and donations for this event. Contact us today at (209) 529-8259 to find out how you can get involved, or drop off needed items for the holidays:

Donate Thanksgiving Banquet Items:
• Turkeys
• Stuffing mix/Celery
• Green beans with corn
• Potatoes/Gravy mix
• Pumpkin pies
• Cool Whip (Tub variety, as we are unable to use spray)
• Heavy cardboard compartmentalized plates
• Butter chips (wrapped in foil)
• Heavy duty plastic utensils (forks, knives, spoons)

Donate Thanksgiving Bundle-Up Items:
• New or gently used coats for men, women, or children. All sizes!
• Hats
• Gloves
• Scarves
• Socks

Be on the lookout for more information as it is announced by following the Modesto Gospel Mission on Facebook at or at this page.

Volunteer for Thanksgiving at the Mission

Help serve meals and distribute winter clothing to over 1,000 people the day before Thanksgiving. Volunteers needed!

Volunteer Now!