ABOUT US_Modesto Gospel Mission


Give hurting people the help and healing they need to overcome homelessness.
The Modesto Gospel Mission is the center where the larger community comes together to provide refuge, recovery, and restoration through Christ.

Established in 1948, the Modesto Gospel Mission has provided services to poor and homeless people to meet both their tangible and spiritual needs for the last 75 years.

We love when people partner with us and take ownership of the work at the Mission. This isn’t just a rescue mission; this is truly YOUR Mission for many different reasons. It’s the place where you may have spent many years volunteering. It’s the safe haven where your loved one was able to get his or her life on the right track. It’s where you have donated food, clothing, and money to meet the needs of those less fortunate neighbors in our community. It’s where your gifts and talents have been used to make a difference. Together we have provided nutritious meals, warm beds, clean showers and clothes, and a refuge of safety to thousands of poor and homeless men, women, and children over the last 75 years. Thank you for your partnership in the work of Jesus.

This is more than a mission. This is YOUR MISSION.



The Modesto Gospel Mission had its beginnings in 1948 when John Haine saw the need to feed the hungry and homeless men of Modesto with food for the body, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ for their souls. Leftover funds from one of Billy Graham’s first crusades, located at the edge of downtown Modesto, provided the seed money to start the Modesto Gospel Union Mission. A group of Christian businessmen became the first leaders, and the Mission became a formal non-profit corporation in 1953. The Modesto Gospel Mission, Inc. is a 501(C)(3) charity, and donations are tax-deductible.


The vision for the Modesto Gospel Mission is to provide a place for refuge, recovery, and restoration to the broken, poor, and homeless in our local community. The Mission is always striving to find new ways to provide needed assistance to our guests while clearly communicating the truth and love of Jesus Christ and His transforming power. As we forge ahead into the future, the Mission plans to keep expanding our services and our reach as the need for spiritual salvation and life transformation has never been greater.

The Mission is able to serve some of the most broken people in our community by helping them get off the streets and radically change their lifestyle through a myriad of programs and services. We offer hope through the love of Jesus – in word and deed. The Mission ministers to the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of each guest. More than a food bank or soup kitchen, we provide daily shelter, clothing, meals, showers, Bible studies, life skills classes, employment training and assistance, addiction recovery, a medical clinic, a day program, an after school youth center, and more. To meet these needs, the Modesto Gospel Mission depends on local gifts from individuals, churches, groups, foundations, and businesses that care about the poor and homeless in Stanislaus County.
2,091+ People experiencing homelessness in and around Modesto, CA
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    Meals Served Annually
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    Men & Children
    Sheltered Annually
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    Women & Children
    Sheltered Annually
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    New Life Program
    Annual Participants
Here is a highlight of some of the corporate partners who supported our efforts throughout the year. This type of ministry truly takes collaboration, and it has been a joy to join together with each of them in order to continue seeing change happen here.
  • bryan_mymissionorg
  • New Life Program Disciple
  • Nayesha_mymissionorg
  • Image
  • "My life has changed since I came to the Modesto Gospel Mission and surrendered to Jesus Christ. He changed my life 180 degrees, and I'm a new person inside and out. I'm grateful to God and Mission."

    New Life Program Graduate
  • "Youth Center is a big blessing in my life. They provide clothes, backpacks, school supplies, shoes, food and more. The Youth Center helped me get a scholarship. I've built a better relationship with Jesus Christ."

    Youth Center Junior Volunteer
  • "Since coming to the Modesto Gospel Mission my life has been full of joy and peace. Something I knew nothing about in my previous lifestyle. God has healed my broken heart and my life is now marked by a peace that surpasses understanding."

    New Life Program Disciple
  • "It has been a life changing experience for me volunteering my time here at the Mission. I feel very privileged to have been part of the life change that’s happening."

    Volunteer, Mission Kitchen
  • "For 15 years I was lost, and I'm grateful the Mission was there to take me in and offer an environment to change I can be obedient, get to know Jesus, and put forethought into tomorrow."

    New Life Program Graduate
  • "I joined the New Life Program not realizing how much God had his hands on my life and my kids lives from day one. The Mission has given me the best tools ever and allowed me to have a strong foundation with the Lord."

    Women's New Life Program Graduate
  • "Since joining the New Life Program, the darkness that I felt has been replaced with hope. I have been redeemed! This year the feeling of hopelessness doesn't get to take the joy of that moment away from me because Jesus has restored my life!"

    New Life Program Graduate